
DataRiver Srl is an innovative SME, self-certified as Contract Research Organization (CRO) by Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), accordingly to the Ministry of Health Decree of November 15th, 2011, for the activities of Data Management and Statistical Analysis in the management of clinical trials on drugs and medical devices. DataRiver is accredited as Industrial Research Lab of the High Technology Network of the Emilia-Romagna Region and is a member of boarding team of the Clust-ER (Emilia Romagna Region) on “Health and Welness Industries” that involves pharmaceutical and biomedical companies, universities and research laboratories. The company was founded in 2009 as a Spin-Off of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia on the initiative of researchers of the DBGroup databases research group ( and of professionals in the ICT field.

DataRiver’s quality management system complies with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 13485 standard – Medical Devices Manufacturer.

DataRiver is a member of the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN), not-for-profit organisation that supports the conduct of independent, multinational clinical trials and is a certified SME by the IMI EHDEN Consortium for the support to healthcare facilities in the process of standardizing health data with respect to the OMOP Common Data Model standard and provide additional services in the EHDEN and OHDSI ecosystem.

DataRiver develops innovative software solutions in the fields of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Clinical Data Management, Telemedicine, Big Data Integration & Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.


Research Services

The goal of DataRiver is to provide high quality research and technology transfer services in the ICT and HEALTH sector in the fields of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Clinical Data Management, Big Data Integration & Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence. DataRiver is a credible and reliable partner in the development of clinical research projects for pharmaceutical and biomedical companies and both public and private research foundations and institutions.


We are available for any further enquiry


DataRiver exercises the utmost care to ensure that all the confidential information provided by the Client stays absolutely protected from prying accesses. For this reason, all employees are committed to sign an explicit privacy policy agreement.


DataRiver ensures its customers and partners a full compliance with intellectual property rights related to the knowledge employed and the obtained results in industrial research and technology transfer projects. Therefore, each contract stipulates specific clauses that guarantee the protection of intellectual property rights and that best suit the requirements of the project.