The Company

The Italian Group for Malignant Myeloproliferative Diseases (AGIMM) is formed by Italian doctors and researchers gathered in a research program focused on chronic “classical” myeloproliferative neoplasms thanks to AIRC (Italian association for cancer research) funding.


The Challenge

Development of a pathology registry for the management and integration of data related to the molecular and clinical studies of chronic myeloproliferative diseases


The solution

Development of a web platform for the management and integration of molecular and clinical data in chronic myeloproliferative diseases. The web platform allows the insertion of personal, diagnostic and follow-up information of each patient, the management of sensitive personal data of patients with appropriate cryptographic techniques, the definition and implementation of appropriate backup policies and the importation of previous data.



– Integration of data from molecular and clinical studies

– Real-time monitoring of patients’ health status

– Optimization of KPI’s search and data analysis through a more intuitive visualization of the data collected in graphical, tabular and on map format