DataRiver is attending the event “Community building and public administration: how to build a shared digital agenda”  to present the project  “Open Data Lavoro” (Open data for Work), developed for “Digital Agenda of Bologna” call for proposals.  The meeting  will take place on September, 25th in Bologna at the Auditorium Enzo Biagi – Biblioteca Sala Borsa (Piazza del Nettuno, 3) from 15 to 19:30, and it will be focused on digital strategies and activities of the municipal administration.

The new civic network project “Iperbole 2020” and the European project “iCity” will be presented during the meeting. The platform aims to make open data and services available to developers, small and medium-sized enterprises, citizens for the co-creation of public utility software applications.

The event will continue with the intervention by Betsy Hoover, who worked for Barack Obama’s communication and social media campaign in 2012. As a recognized specialist in the business of building communities online and offline, Betsy Hoover  will address issues concerned to the policies and activities that  the Municipality of Bologna is developing to involve the citizens through open communication strategies.

Event  schedule, speakers and information are available here (Italian).